What a wapping event we had! Tradition has been upheld. The smiles, the joy and the sunshine. The turn out was fabulous this year, especially for the procession, which is the wap! The costumes, flowers and music were really spectacular. Everyone held their nerve under the spotlight and the children n adults alike did themselves, and tradition, proud. The prediction of the harvest from the rolled blessed cheeses is in a different post, but we are not doomed! (just yet)
The field event went off with The Steamhead Trappers later in the day, whilst Boss Morris and England’s Glory opened proceedings on the field with some brilliant performances. The local Revellers tried to recruit new members with a super ditty and Babia provided a great sound track to the afternoon. The field was full and children enjoyed the range of activities on offer, faces were painted and Henna applied, whilst toys were made and bird feeders woven.
We will find the results of the dog show if they are still available, and our congrats go to everyone that entered, some big classes in there this year. I believe the crown of waggiest tail has moved on!
Thank you everyone that attended and helped make the wap the long standing tradition and success it was, and will continue to be.